about flout

The story behind the software

about flout

It began with a team of geos, IT specialists and tenement managers who were frustrated with the software available to them...

they decided there had to be a better way.

They set out to create innovative, efficient, comprehensive databases to act as a SSOT (Single Source of Truth) for the reams of data they needed to handle every day.

The flout team came together to design software tailored to the actual daily tasks required to stay on top of every tenement management deadline or to quickly and accurately log, edit, visualise and access core sampling data.

Unlike other software out there, flout software doesn't just help you at the set-up phase, it helps you every day in meaningful, time-saving, risk-reducing, productivity boosting ways. 

Our team of diverse professionals are designing software that actually meets your needs because they have decades of experience in the same taxing, stressful, dusty, time-consuming jobs you do.

  • We're IT & UX specialists

  • We're tenement managers

  • We're all kinds of geos

  • We're managers & exploration specialists

At flout our mission is to create software to help you make the most of your assets.

Check out our 1slate software
Check out our 1point software
Check out 1point Desktop software
Check out our LogCheck software

Critically acclaimed.

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